Select Script is a non-obvious tool for increasing conversions. Scripting is a non-obvious tool for increasing conversions

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Value: By using the tips in this article, you can improve the quality of your lead processing and thereby increase the conversion to sales.

Many entrepreneurs think that it is enough to launch a good advertisement and have numerous sales in your pocket. However, it often happens that the ad is written well, the ad is configured correctly, the audience is selected correctly, everything is optimized and adjusted, and the conversion is still low. And the whole thing is what happens after the launch of advertising. One detail that can negate all the efforts of marketers is a bad script from the account manager.

If the script is incorrect, outdated or compiled in any way, then the manager can “flush” all the received leads. This means that your promotion budget will also be reduced. Our managers have gathered their many years of experience and compiled a script that will help you process the received leads and turn them into real customers.

What should be a script for working with clients

A good account manager script should be flexible and allow him to interact effectively with different customers.

1. Establishing contact

— Start the script with a warm and professional greeting.

— Name and state your role in the company.

2. Identification of needs

— Focus on the customer. Start with open-ended questions to understand his needs and expectations.

— Listen carefully and actively support the dialogue.

3. Product presentation

— Describe the product or service you offer and its benefits to the customer.

— Emphasize how it solves specific problems or satisfies a customer’s needs.

4. Processing objections

— Anticipate possible objections of the client and prepare to answer them.

— Show understanding and sympathy for his concerns, but at the same time make a sound argument about the merits of your proposal.

5. Offer additional options

After the customer is interested in the main offer, offer them additional options or promotions that may suit them.

6. Conclusion of the agreement

— Invite the customer to take action. Create a sense of urgency to encourage him to make a decision right now.

— Confirm the terms of the agreement and provide information about the registration procedure.

7. Ending the conversation

— Thank the client for their time and attention.

— Offer to help with additional questions or concerns.

8. Feedback

— After the conversation is over, note the strengths and weaknesses of your conversation with the client.

— Be flexible and improve your script as you experience working with different clients.

You should not skip a single step, because each point is a link of the conversation. Remember that miscommunication can break the chain of interaction with the customer, and in the end you can lose them.

But it’s also important to remember that a script is just a framework for communicating with customers, and each conversation should be tailored to the specific person and their needs. Remember to be friendly, professional and sincere, and strive to build long-term relationships with clients.

An example from our practice

In the process of promoting the ____ project, we noticed that although the client receives many leads, he is not completely satisfied with their quality. We began to understand where there is a drawdown and it turned out that leads are wasted at the stage of working with their manager.

We conducted research and found out that the client’s manager was not very motivated to communicate with leads in communication. We analyzed the old script, worked out all the errors and offered the client a new one. As a result, the conversion increased by 12%.

The key goal of the right communication script is to create long-term relationships with customers, create trust in your brand and encourage customers to become buyers.

Are sales down, advertising not working, or promotion not producing results? Digital Art specialists are ready to offer you a comprehensive solution to marketing problems. Leave a request to receive a consultation.

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