Creation of sites

Design and development of stylish websites. A unique tool to increase the profit of your business

What websites do we develop?

Stages of site development

Studying business and drawing up technical specifications

To develop a high-quality website, you need to first study the client's niche. To understand what the target audience wants to see on the site, what needs to be done to make the use of the site as simple, comfortable and understandable as possible for customers. It is also necessary to study the competitors - their advantages and disadvantages, in order to take them into account, not to repeat the mistakes and stand out clearly against their background. After a thorough analysis, a technical task is drawn up for developers and designers

Development of the site structureᅠᅠᅠᅠ

At this stage, the architecture of the site, the scheme of blocks and elements on the pages is formed based on the technical task. The better the structure, the easier it will be for the user to find what he needs, and the higher the probability that he will stay on the site. The interface of the site is no less important than the content of the site, it affects both conversions and rejections. After the structure is agreed, the project is transferred to the design department, where specialists create the visual part of the site based on UI/UX principles

Creation of a design layout

To show the customer what the design of the site will be, a prototype is created, which will make it clear what the result will be. If everything suits the client and he approves the design, the specifications for the designer are drawn up and the creation process begins. The designer creates graphic elements, an interface that takes into account the specifics of the business, and designs all this in a single brand style

Integration of design into the site management system

Now you need to make a layout so that all elements look the same as on the layout, and the design does not "go" when using the site. We also connect scripts and plugins, adapt the site for different mobile devices and test and adapt the visual part

Filling the site with content

We can also prepare turnkey content for your site: write SEO texts for promotion in search engines, place content on the site, adjust meta tags, optimize images for different browsers and devices

Site testing

After everything is collected, the functionality of the site is tested, the presence of duplicate pages, broken links and other errors is checked. All bugs found are fixed

Site launch and support

When all the work is done and the errors are corrected, the site is launched on the selected domain name and hosting or server

Website development on CMS

CMS (Content Management System) is a site’s content management system or “engine”. Most of the sites on the Internet work on CMS, because using this program you can create a site without even knowing programming.

We create sites on the following CMS:

  • Webflow / WIX — the main advantages are the speed of development and the low cost of such a project. Tilda is best suited for the following sites: landing page, event promotion page, online store with a small number of products, company business site, portfolio, personal blog, presentation
  • WordPress is one of the most popular CMS in the world, on the basis of which 30 to 40% of sites are created (according to various data). It is a universal system that is suitable for most sites
  • Open Cart — an engine focused primarily on creating sites for large online stores

of ordering from us


We conduct a thorough analysis before starting work. We can order the development of a site of any complexity — from a business card to a large online store. And we are always ready to answer your questions in detail and consult to help determine the service you need

A team of specialists

Your site will be worked on by not one person, but by several professionals: project manager, developer, designer, copywriter, SEO specialist, each of whom will do their own thing to bring the work to a "common denominator" as a result

Unique design

Our designers love their work, they don't copy others and don't try to do it faster. They will develop a corporate style that will reflect the individuality of your brand, attract attention and evoke the right associations

Convenient management system

Since sites are created on CMS, in the future you will be able to easily manage your site, add information and content, without waiting for our employee to do it


We do not say goodbye to you after handing over the site, but provide technical support: consultations, accessibility control, help in filling the site, solving problems that arise

Comprehensive marketing services

In addition to creating a website, we can also offer you comprehensive services for further promotion: contextual and targeted advertising, creation and management of social networks, SEO promotion of the website


Landing Page
Corporate site


Answers to common questions

Considering the fact that this is a large-scale task that requires work in several stages and the connection of several specialists, even when creating a site on Webflow / WIX, it cannot be too fast. Usually, high-quality website development takes from 21 working days to 3 months, depending on the complexity of the project

— Selected site management system (CMS)
— What will be the functionality of the site (plugins, modules, among them are both free and paid)
— Whether a unique site design will be developed or a ready-made template will be used
— What will be the number of pages and/or information blocks
— Volume of filling with content
— Individual customer preferences (non-standard tasks that require more time for development)

Before you order the development of the site, determine for what purpose you will use it.

If you want as many applications from contextual advertising as possible and spend a minimum of time on development, choose Tilda.

We need a high-quality and reliable site, with the prospect of functional improvements — WordPress.

You have 10,000,000 products that you plan to fully sell - OpenCart is a must here, because only this CMS can handle the load and help you conveniently manage products and integrations with other marketplaces

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    Фірмовий стиль (айдентика) — те, що виділяє ваш бренд серед інших.

    Гайдлайн (guideline) — це документ, в якому детально буде описаний ваш бренд (позиціювання, цінності, особливості дизайну) та надано рекомендації щодо використання фірмового стилю вашої компанії на різних рекламних носіях.